Sunday, 17 February 2013

Typical Characters Found in a Horror

Evil Character

- Usually a male character
-They have some sort of weapon (knife,chainsaw etc)
-Often wear a mask disguising them completely of appearance or emotion,the audience can make no connection to them at all.They are unknown
-This character has the biggest impact on the audience

Female Victim

- Portrayed as being vulnerable,dumb and in need of protection
-Young, blonde and attractive girl
-This character helps build up the suspense as their behaviour makes the audience on edge.


- Male or Female
-They come across as being at ease, like nothing is wrong and nobody needs to worry
-Too confident,usually being the first character to be killed which then leads to the rest of the characters deaths
-The audience at first take their side until things don't go as planned,leaving the audience unsecure and making them panic


-Male character,strong and masculine build
-Not many horror films have triumph over evil but they usually are most confident chasing the evil character and then never returning

Hysterical character

-Known to not wanting to leave a room or building due to the loss of a friend.They are tried to be moved by other characters but insist in staying still and break down into hysterics
-Usually stay behind and are killed or other characters are hunted for, leaving this character last. Both ways result in being killed.

The couple

-Always together throughout the whole film
-Typically away from the rest of the characters when the first murder takes place,making them not no that there is a killer on the run
-Usually killed when together
-The audience have an impact on them as they get frustrated with them

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