Monday, 13 May 2013

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Our 7 Questions

We have also added an extra scene into our existing film HIJACKED. We decided to do this to let the audience know more about our protagonist Claire Davies. We feel that this extra scene allows the understanding of why Claire decided to go with our antagonist Jack Marshall and gave more intrigue into the film as it is not always focused on one long scene.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Target Audience

A Target Audience is a specific group of people within  the Target Market at which a certain product is aimed at.


HIJACKED is aimed at both male and females within the age bracket of 16-40.


Looking further into our Target Auidence and referring to the table above, our film's social status would be graded C1, C2, D and E.

Friday, 1 March 2013

"70's Era"

As our Film HIJACKED is set in the era of the 70's we have made it so that each character will dress according to this certain decade. Above is a variety of typical male and female clothing and hairstyles that people would have worn.